To help many more women with a severe mental illness gain helpful advice and support when planning a pregnancy, the leading UK pregnancy charity Tommy’s has partnered with NHS England, Public Health England and King’s College London to develop a range of new information resources.
These include a new online information and support hub for anyone with severe mental illness planning a pregnancy, as well as practical guidance for the frontline healthcare professionals who support them. The charity has also updated its Planning for Pregnancy tool, so preconception health advice is tailored for women with severe mental illness. To find out more about the resources available, please visit the Tommy’s website by clicking here.
The website also includes an insightful and informative blog about one woman’s experience of bipolar disorder and pregnancy and the importance of specialist pre-conception advice for her and her family. In her blog (please click here to view), Jenny also describes the benefits of using True Colours to help monitor her bipolar disorder during the perinatal period – True Colours is currently available to all BDRN participants (more information available here).
If you would like more information about BDRN’s research into pregnancy and childbirth or about True Colours, please contact us via the ‘Contact Us’ form on this website or by emailing us at