BDRN presents at the International Society for Affective Disorders

In November 2019, one of our PhD research students, Emma Tickle, presented some of her research findings on the experience of a borderline personality disorder diagnosis in bipolar disorder at the International Society for Affective Disorders conference. Emma presented data from BDRN participants who were interviewed about their experiences of living with a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder to a range of clinicians and academics.

BDRN’s Emma Tickle with her research poster at the International Society for Affective Disorders conference

Emma’s research was well-received and conference delegates were particularly interested in the quotes from BDRN participants about their lived experiences of both diagnoses. Attending the conference gave Emma a chance to talk with many clinicians about her research and think about how it can help to inform future clinical practice, as well as allowing her to learn more about cutting edge research in affective disorders from across the globe.

Emma would like to thank all BDRN participants who took part in her interviews.  She will be updating you all with some of her research findings soon via the BDRN website and newsletters.